Winchester Northern Extention
Hampshire, UK
Studio Engleback worked with JTP as enablers at stakeholders meetings in 2009 to bring out ideas for the site, and these were refined at further meetings with the City Council. There was a strong feeling that a multi- functional approach to the planning of a new neighbourhood would be key to achieving a high level of sustainability, and this is something that the City Landscape Architect, Linda Thomas was especially well informed about, and it very much accorded with the design team’s approach. Having worked with JTP regularly on large projects of the last ten years we have devised a seamless way of working and we show the ideas as a series of interconnected layers, some of which are shown above. The combination of the ‘hand on planning’ technique of which JTP are pre-eminent exponents and a careful consideration of a wide range of issues assisted in this land being adopted in the City’s Core Strategy for housing in 2011.