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Studio Engleback is an environmental design practice that specializes in ecourbanism, a whole system approach to planning and design that addresses climate change, resource depletion and flexibility as a response to making places for people.

Formed in 1996, it has been involved in many projects that deal with the interface between urbanism, ecology and environmental sustainability.

The studio is led by Luke Engleback, a Chartered Landscape Architect with over 33 years experience of environmental design and planning in the UK and abroad.

The team includes Landscape Architects, Architects, Ecologists and Communications Designers. We can also call upon the services of a number of specialists to input into the design process.

Our aim is to understand local concerns and to reconcile these with a vision of an improved future, and the creation or reinforcement of a sense of place or Genus Loci. Frequently this has involved public consultation, design workshops and presentations, as an essential component of research and regeneration from within. We have collaborated with a number of dynamic designers in the UK and abroad.

the studio

Environmental design and planning should address the effects of climate change on water management, vegetation, microclimate, energy consultation and air quality. Green infrastructure must deliver green services.

A multi-functional landscape of layers should be people-oriented, and informed by ecology, heritage, landscape character and natural processes. Environmental design should raise quality of life.

Sustainability is a much abused term and frequently in many  ‘sustainable masterplans’ people are secondary to the ideas of economy, efficiency and ecology. We feel that it is not enough to produce technical solutions. We should also seek to make the urban environment more coherent, safer, richer, and create a greater sense of human well-being through design.
We design by thinking in a holistic intervention.

Residents’ concerns and local knowledge are essential, but a vision for the future must also address larger and contextual issues such as climate change, microclimate, water sensitive urban designing and ecology, public health and well being, crime prevention/attenuation, jobs and recreation.

our approach

We work at all scales of the built environment, from regional planning to detailed design & realisation.

Our range of professional services includes:

•   Eco-urbanism

•   Green Infrastructure
•   Water Sensitive Urban Design
•   Sustainable Design Strategies
•   Landscape Assessments
   (LVIA, Landscape Character)

•  Historical Landscape Studies
•  Ecological Surveys /Strategies
•  Management Plans
•  Design Codes and Guidelines
•  Masterplanning
•  Public Realm
•  Residential Development
•  Educational and Community
•  Commercial Development
•  Public Consultation and
•  Research
•  Teaching
•  Peer Review

the services
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