Milford Hospital Regeneration
Surrey, UK
This proposal for the redevelopment of the former hospital buildings at Milford, near Godalming was made with JTP with whom we have been collaborating with for well over a decade, for Linden Homes. The site comprises a hill top with derelict hospital buildings and large areas of mown grass located 1km from the Surrey Hills AONB. The greensand supports lowland heath and acid grassland which we proposed should extend into the site between clusters of houses. An existing orchard was to be reinvigorated and new orchards and kitchen gardens located in a ‘food arc’ that traversed the site. A biodiverse, sustainable drainage strategy included a network of swales, infiltration lawns and acid bogs.
Pressure of any new neighbourhood now requires provision aimed primarily at dog walkers known as SANGS (Suitable Accessible Natural Green Space). Linked to a series of circuits for dog walkers was a trim trail that passed through a series of different landscape character types, all related to the greensand which also included heathy woodland, as well as more open areas with native hedging providing the interface between homes and public space. A large number of existing trees would have been retained and augmented with new trees to provide a better age structure. Particular attention was paid to the design of roads, edgings and interfaces to conserve a rural quality.