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Greater Ashford Development Framework

East Kent, UK

Ashford's Future are leading the proposed expansion of Ashford by creating 28 000 new jobs and building 31 000 new homes over the next 30 years, effectively doubling the size of the town. English Partnerships and Ashford Borough Council share this client role. The urban framework team was lead by Urban Initiatives, Alan Baxter Associates leading on infrastructure, DTZ Pieda on economic and property matters and Studio Engleback lead the Environmental and Sustainability workstream. This project has been profiled in the recently published CABE Space book "Start with the park" and a BBC Radio 4 documentary series in 2005.        


A compact urbanism model is being pursued informed by ecology and the green agenda. The studio's work started with an assessment of the conservation issues and has fed into three option testing reports at different levels of detail. In turn this fed into the emerging spatial plan and Design Codes.


245 Upper Grosvenor Road

Tunbridge Wells




t. +44 (0) 1892 538 537

f. +44 (0) 1892 538 537



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