“Ecourbanism addresses the socio-ecological system with an integrated whole system approach to regenerative city building and repair.
This is landscape led, evidence based, and advances biophilic and salutogenic design to improve environmental and human health and wellbeing.”
Luke Engleback
Watercolour, Redhill, Surrey
studio news

StudioEngleback is now a member of The Collaborative City. A network of independent professionals and small practices bringing together expertise in masterplanning, architecture, landscape and public realm.

Studio Engleback is always interested in receiving CVs from talented Part 2+ Landscape Architects
...if you are interested in joining our team please send your CV and examples of work to luke@studioengleback.com
Featured Projects
Loftus Garden Village
A 6 hectare former Pirelli cables factory site, located adjacent to the London to Cardiff railway, transformed into a 'Garden Village' with 250 new dwellings.
We have promoted a multi-functional approach to the environmental infrastructure that includes biodiverse rainwater attenuation and filtration, kitchen gardens and an urban orchard of fruit and nut trees planted throughout the scheme.

Studio Engleback were the landscape architects on the recently completed Applewood housing scheme for Haboakus. Available now is "The Art of Applewood' by Ruth Davey & Liz Parker, a book documenting the journey of the development from disused hospital site to new family homes. Mar 2015

Studio Engleback, JTP and Linden Homes have been shortlisted for The Placemaking Awards - 'Place-making team of the year'. Jan 2015

Sam Ashdown, Assoicate at Studio Engleback, has recently become a member of The Academy of Urbanism. Dec 2014
Cambridgeshire Quality Panel
As well as Vice Chair of the South Downs National Park Design Panel and member of the South + East Design Panel, director Luke Engleback has joined the Cambridgeshire Quality Panel.

Studio Engleback recently took part in the EU framework programme for research and innovation 2014-20, 'A call for ideas on nature-based solutions to societal challenges' discussion.
The key streets are flanked by rain gardens, a 21st century version of the grass verges seen at Letchworth Garden City.

The new Landscape Institute Annual Review 2013/2014 features Studio Engleback's Watercolour, Redhill project. Nov 2014

The 'Sustainable Water Industry Group' held a conference titled, 'Sustainable construction is cheaper - How do we get there?' and Luke Engleback was a guest speaker with his presentation titled, 'Project solutions at all scales'. Oct 2014

Studio Engleback's Watercolour project has featured as a case study for the recent Landscape Institute's - Profitable Place publication. Oct 2014

Applewood, Cashes Green won this award ‘‘for a thoroughly contemporary approach to volume house building, that reflects best practice in place-making by integrating efficient house design, and the natural and built assets of the site to create a new community. Oct 2014

This international competition asked competitors to develop a strategic framework for park design that brings together urban food production, recreation and learning for three urban sites in Bologna, Italy. We developed a taxonomy of elements, which have individual criteria, and applied them contextually to the constraints of each of the three given sites. We were awarded 2nd prize out of 81 entries. Sept 2014

Once in a Life: City-building after Disaster in Christchurch book was released and features 55 written essays discussing the alternative approaches to city-building. Luke Engleback is one of the contributing authors with his chapter titled, 'What should a garden city in the twenty-first century aim to be like?'. Purchase a copy from the link below from link below: